Dr. Mamun Mostafi

Professor Brigadier General (Retired)


Fellowship in Nephrology (India & KSA)

Dr. Mamun Mostafi

Professor Brigadier General (Retired)


Fellowship in Nephrology (India & KSA)

About Dr. Mamun Mostafi
Director and Senior Consultant

Bangladesh Specialized Hospital Ltd.


Publisher: Springer Cham


Publisher: Anyaprokash

Gold Medal Award from Bangladesh Renal Association
Lifetime Achievement Award from Sher e Bangla Foundation
Independence Day Honor Award from Udiyoman Bangladesh
Past Experiences
• Professor of Nephrology
Armed Forces Medical College, Dhaka
• Head of Medicine (Chief Physician) and Nephrology
CMH Rangpur and Army Medical College Rangpur
• Head of Nephrology
Combined Military Hospital, Dhaka
• Honorary Professor of Nephrology
Prime Medical College, Rangpur
• Resident – Nephrology
Combined Military Hospital, Dhaka
• Training in Haemodialysis
• Training on CAPD
Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
• Advanced Fellowship Training in Nephrology
Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, India
• Training on Kidney Transplantation
Indian Institute of Naval Medicine, Mumbai, India
• Training on Kidney Transplantation
Prince Sultan Referral Hospital, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
• Advanced Training on Kidney Transplantation
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences, Kochi, Kerala, India
Professional Affiliations
• Member
International Society of Nephrology (ISN)
• Chairman
Mostafi Kidney Center (a nonprofit charity health care organization)
• Co-Chairman, Faculty of Medicine,
Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons
• Member
Advancing Clinical Trial Committee, International Society of Nephrology (ISN ACT)
• Member
European Renal Association and European dialysis and Transplant association (ERA-EDTA)
• Member
American Society of Nephrology
• Life Member
Bangladesh Society of Medicine
• Life Member
Bangladesh Rheumatology Society
• Life Member
Bangladesh Society of Peritoneal Dialysis
• Life Member
Association of Physicians, Bangladesh
• Member
Kidney Foundation, Bangladesh
• Member, National Executive Committee
Bangladesh Society of Medicine
• Member
American College of Physician
• Member
Australasian College of Physician
• Member
Indian Society of Nephrology
• Former Vice president, National Executive Committee,
Bangladesh Renal Association
Journal Editor
• Editor in Chief
Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons
• Editor in Chief
Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Newsletter
• Executive Editor
Bangladesh Renal Journal
• President, Research and Publication Committee
Bangladesh Specialized Hospital Ltd, Dhaka
• Member, Editorial Board
American Journal of Internal Medicine
• Member, Editorial Board
Journal of Nephrological Science, USA
• Member, Editorial Board
Journal of Bangladesh Society of Medicine
• Former Editor in Chief
Journal of Armed Forces Medical College
• Member, Editorial Board
Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin
Research & Publications

  1. M Mostafi; Managing Kidney Diseases in Bangladesh; Bangladesh Journal of Medicine, 33 (3), 233-234, 2022.
  2. M Mostafi, SMR Sarwar; Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons: An Ongoing Journey of Quality, Remembering the Past, Glorifying the Present and Anchoring a Lightning Future, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 1-2, 2022.
  3. SGM Mowla, QT Islam, M Shahidullah, M Mostafi, IA Shamsad, A Kabir; Role of Fellows of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons in the Management of COVID-19 Crisis, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 19-27, 2022
  4. T Ahmed, EB Yunus, A Rahman, HAMN Ahasan, M ur Rahman, M Mostafi; Emergence and Evolution of the Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons: Igniting the Professionalism, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 28-38, 2022
  5. M Mostafi, AS Shawrov; REGEN-COV™ (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) along with Molnupiravir InStage- V CKD Patient with Symptomatic COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report MAWAS, Journal of Nephrology & Endocrinology Research 2, 1-2, 2022
  6. M Mostafi; COVID-19 and Pregnancy: An Unwanted Combination, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 40 (1), 3-3, 2022
  7. M Mostafi, AS Shawrov, MA Wahab, A Saleh; REGEN-COV™(Casirivimab and Imdevimab) along with Molnupiravir InStage-V CKD Patient with Symptomatic COVID-19 Pneumonia: A Case Report, Journal of Nephrology & Endocrinology Research. SRC/JONE-107. 2022
  8. M Mostafi, M Mostafi, T Khan; Diffuse Hepatic Calcification following Acute Kidney Injury, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF BANGLADESH RENAL ASSOCIATION 4 (1), 21, 2022
  9. AM Kaiser, M Jabin, M Mostafi; Rifampicin Induced Acute Interstitial Nephritis, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF BANGLADESH RENAL ASSOCIATION 4 (1), 19, 2022
  10. T Hoque, M Mostafi, M Jabin, AM Kaiser; Nail Abnormalities in Patients of End Stage Renal Disease on Maintenance Hemodialysis in a Tertiary Renal Center, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF BANGLADESH RENAL ASSOCIATION 11, 46, Articles 1–79, 2021
  11. V Bhargava, S Jasuja, TSC Wai, AK Bhalla, G Sagar, V Jha, R Ramachandran, M Sahay, T Vachharajani, A Lydia, JK Pisharam, CJS Alexander, M Mostafi; Peritoneal dialysis: Status report in South and South East Asia, Nephrology (Carlton) 26, 898-906, 2021
  12. MA Haq, M Jamiruddin, MU Khondoker, MF Ahmed, SS Khandker, T Ali, M Mostafi; Assessment of a rapid pan-antibody dot test for detection of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science, 131-139, 2021
  13. M Jabin, M Mostafi, AM Kaiser, T Ahmed; Infection Control Challenges In COVID-19 Patients In Dialysis Centers-A Review, OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF BANGLADESH RENAL ASSOCIATION 3 (2), 51, 2021
  14. MMS Alexander, S Jasuja, M Gallieni, M Sahay, M Mostafi; Impact of National Economy and Policies on End-Stage Kidney Care in South Asia and Southeast Asia, International Journal of Nephrology, 2021
  15. MMR Ramachandran, V Bhargava, S Jasuja, M Gallieni, M Mostafi; Interventional nephrology and vascular access practice: A perspective from South and Southeast Asia, The Journal of Vascular Access, 1–12, 2021
  16. M Mostafi; College News Vol. 39 (2), Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 39 (2), 145-147, 2021
  17. MA Rahim, M Mostafi; Multi-Drug Resistant Urinary Tract Infection: An Emerging Health Issue, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 39 (2), 76-77, 2021
  18. HU Rashid, MR Alam, A Khanam, MM Rahman, S Ahmed, M Mostafi; Nephrology in Bangladesh, Nephrology Worldwide, 221-238, 2021
  19. MM Sahay, S Jasuja, SCW Tang, S Alexander, M Mostafi; Aetiology, practice patterns and burden of end-stage kidney disease in South Asia and South-East Asia: A questionnaire-based survey, Journal of Nephrology, 2020
  20. M Mostafi; From the Desk of Editor-in-Chief Vol. 38: COVID-19 (Supplement Issue), Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 2020
  21. MA Rahim, M Mostafi; Re-purposive Use of Drugs in COVID-19: A Wake-up Call, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons, 3-4, 2020
  22. M Mostafi, M Jabin, Z Chowdhury, MU Khondoker, SM Ali, R Tamanna; The outcome of Daclatasvir and low dose Sofosbuvir therapy in end-stage renal disease patients with hepatitis C virus infection, Ukrainian Journal of Nephrology and Dialysis, 3-8, 2020
  24. M Mostafi; College News Vol. 38 (2), Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 38 (2), 105-107, 2020
  25. M Mostafi; Dialysis Adequacy - a Difficult Challenge, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 37, 165-166, 2019
  26. T Saiful, M Mostafi, MAA Mia, MR Amin, S Marzana, E Hossain; Experience with Serum Magnesium Estimations in Critically Ill Patients Admitted in High Dependency Unit of A Tertiary Care Hospital, Bangladesh Journal of Medicine 29 (2), 69-74, 2018
  27. T Saiful, QE Elahi, M Mostafi, AA Mia; Vaso-occlusive retinopathy and stage IV Lupus Nephritis; Primary manifestation of a 30 year old female, Bangladesh Journal of Medicine 29 (1), 36-40, 2018
  28. SMMR MAA MIA, M MOSTAFI, S PERVEEN, NG CHOWDHURY, M A AHMED; Acute Acalculus Cholecystitis in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever-A Case Report
  29. Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 35 (3), 155-157, 2017
  30. M Mostafi; Intradialytic hypertension. 14th National convention & international CME of Bangladesh Renal Association, Bangladesh renal Journal 12, 2017
  31. T Saiful, QE Elahi, M Karim, M Mostafi, AA Mia; Reactive hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis in systemic lupus Erythematosus-a case report and literature review, Bangladesh Journal of Medicine 28 (2), 95-99, 2017
  32. NNF Begum, AA Mia, M Mostafi, K Akhter, M Sultana, FR Sarker; Kawasaki Disease Hospitalization: Outcomes in Two Tertiary Care Hospitals in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin 43 (3), 143-148, 2017
  33. M Mostafi, MA Rahman, MT Mollick, MN Haq, A Rafi; Accidental Intramuscular Isoprenaline in Early Pregnancy: The Effects, Management and Outcome, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 34 (2), 108-111, 2016
  34. MK Uddin, MAA Mia, M Mostafi, M Parvin, MA Chowdhury; Evaluation of Pleural Fluid Adenosine Deaminase Activity in Tubercular Pleural Effusion in a Military Hospital, Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh 11 (2), 69-75, 2015
  35. A Nessa, M Ahmed, MAH Fakir, M Mostafi; Evaluation of Urinary Neutrophil Gelatinase Associated Lipocalin (NGAL), as an Early Biomarker and Prognostic Factor of Contrast Induced Acute Kidney Injury (CI-AKI) following Cardiac Catheterization, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 33 (3), 133-139, 2015
  37. MAK A Nessa, MR Hossain, MF Haque, MAH Fakir, M Mostafi; Acute kidney injury due to rhabdomyolysis-clinical profile and outcome in a military hospital. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J. 46, 1-6, 2013
  38. M Mostafi, I Chowdhury, W Haque; Transient renal impairment in primary hypothyroidism, 50th ERA-EDTA Congress 28, 1405, 2013
  39. A Nessa, AF Hossain, M Mostafi; Unilateral Renal Cystic Disease (URCD), Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh 8 (1), 53-55, 2012
  40. M Mostafi, AKMA Yusuf, MA Islam, J Ahmad, MS Islam, MR Rahman, MS Rahman; Asymptomatic urinary abnormalities among primary school students in a rural area of Bangladesh, Bangladesh renal Journal, 30, 36-37, 2011
  41. MHR A Nessa, MR Hossain, MAH Fakir, M Mostafi; Clinical pattern of hypothyroid patients- a prospective cross sectional study. Bangladesh Armed Forces Journal 44, 51-56, 2011
  42. M Mostafi, MAJA Nessa, MAH Fakir, MAQ Bhuiyan, AKMM Rahman; Presentation and outcome of acute kidney injury in a tertiary military hospital of Bangladesh, Bangladesh Journal of Medicine 22 (2), 35-40, 2011
  43. M Mostafi, A Hasan, MA Alim, B Chakraborty; Acute Myocardial Infarction due to Hypersensitivity to Antitubercular Therapy, Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh 6 (2), 44-45, 2010
  44. M Mostafi; Contrast induced nephropathy- mechanism and prevention, Bangladesh Journal of Cardio 1, 56-66, 2009
  45. AFMS Haque, MG Rabbani, MR Hossain, MH Rashid, M Mostafi; Contrast-Induced Nephropathy in 118 Coronary Angiographic Cases, Journal of Medicine 10 (2), 94-96, 2009
  46. M Mostafi, MG Rabbani, MR Hossain, AR Siddiqui, SB Rabbani; Cyclosporine & mycophenolate mofetil in the treatment of cyclophosphamide refractory Class-IV lupus nephritis, Journal of Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh 5 (2), 8-13, 2009
  47. MRH AKMM Rahman, M Mostafi; Outcome of mycophenolate mofetil, ciclosporin and azathioprine in the maintenance therapy of class IV lupus nephritis. BCPS & CPSP joint conference 2, 23. 2008
  48. M Mostafi; Can intensive insulin therapy improve the outcome of critically ill patients?, BCPS & CPSP joint conference 1, 20. 2008
  49. DKPCMS M Ashrafuzzaman, TJ Rashid, M Mostafi; Anti-hypertensive prescriptions of general practitioners of Dhaka city, Bangladesh Armed Forces Medical Journal, 38, 35-39, 2007
  50. M Mostafi; Micro albuminuria as a predictor of pregnancy outcome, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 3, 21-28, 2007
  51. MMR Siddiqui, M Mostafi; Sarcoidosis – a case report, Sir Salimullah Med Coll J. 15, 101-102, 2007
  52. M Mostafi; Student’s participation in under graduate curriculum, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 2, 2-3, 2006
  53. MJ Uddin, M Mostafi, MT Alam; Clinical behavior of falciparum malaria and effectivity of mefloquine prophylaxis in Africa. Sir Salimullah Med Coll J 14, 28-30, 2006
  54. M Mostafi , RD Gupta, MM Rahman, M Uddin; Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Chronic Kidney Disease, Bangladesh Renal Journal, 2, 2006
  55. M Mostafi, MMR Siddiqui, MAM Siddiqui; , Post diarrhoeal pan hypopituitarism- a case report, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 2, 48-50, 2005
  56. MN A Hayee, M Mostafi; Relation of CSF protein to paraproteinaemia in MND patients, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 1, 12-16, 2005
  57. M Shahjahan, M Maswood, MR Hossain, M Mostafi, SM Selimuzzaman; Student’s response to problem based learning (PBL) in under graduate medical curriculum: outcome of a one year study, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 2, 13-16, 2005
  58. SMK MA Hayee, M Mostafi; Intracranial stenting in the management of stroke. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 2, 10-12. 2005
  59. M Mostafi; Contrast medium induced nephropathy: an update, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 1, 57-60, 2005
  60. M Mostafi, MG Rabbani, MR Hossain, MAR Siddiqui, SMB Hossain; Renal replacement therapy in a peripheral district of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 1, 54-56. 2005
  61. M Mostafi, KV Baliga, PK Sharma, MS Prakash; Lipid profile in transplant patient: a clinical study, Med J Armed Forces India 58, 32-35, 2002
  62. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed. MAM Siddiqui, MA Razzak, MR Hossain, S Rashid; Sero diagnostic value of ELLISA in tuberculosis. J Bangladesh col phy surg 20, 120-123, 2002
  63. M Mostafi; Management of hypertension in haemodialysis, 9th national convention and international CME of Bangladesh Renal Association, 2002
  64. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed, MAM Siddiqui, A Iqbal; Outcome of lupus nephritis in a teaching hospital of Bangladesh, J Bangladesh col phy surg. 17, 47-53, 1999
  65. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed; Outcome of pregnancy in SLE, Bangladesh rheumatology society, 2nd conf 2, 32, 1999
  66. M Mostafi; Micralbuminuria: An update. Bangladesh Med Col J, Bangladesh Med Col J 5, 26-33, 1998
  67. AHF Z Ahmed, M Mostafi, SKMB Hossain, MAM Siddiqui; Acute renal failure malaria, Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons 16, 87-92, 1998
  68. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed; Rheumatoid arthritis: outcome of treatment with second line of drugs, J Inst Postgrad Med Res 13, 1-4, 1998
  69. M Mostafi, Z Ahmed, ZI Chowdhury, MAM Siddiqui, A Moyeed; Realtime Ultrasound Guided Renal Biopsy: Technique, Safety and Accuracy Study of 60 Cases, BANGLADESH RENAL JOURNAL 16, 12-14, 1997
  70. M Mostafi, N Hossain, ZU Ahmed; Urinary tract infection in children - A study of 50 cases, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 20, 61-64, 1996
  71. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed; Quinine failure in falciparum malaria, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 19, 59-62, 1995
  72. MRH ZU Ahmed, MAM Siddiqui, M Mostafi; An open single blind study with once daily ofloxacin in typhoid fever, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 19, 1-4, 1995
  73. AAF ZU Ahmed, M Mostafi, MAM Siddiqui, MR Hossain, N Hossain; Haemolytic uraemic syndrome- experience in Bangladesh armed forces, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 19, 63-67, 1995
  74. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed, QS Ahmed; Fatal myocardial infarction in a 20 year oral pill user. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 19, 79-81, 1995
  75. M Mostafi, A Waiz, MR Hossain, B Chakraborty; Triple drug therapy with quinine, cotrimoxazole and tetracycline in the management of cerebral malaria- A review of 254 cases. BMRC Bulletin 21, 77-80, 1995
  76. ZU Ahmed, M Mostafi, SMB Hossain, M Siddiqui; Acute renal failure in falciparum malaria, Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J, 200-210, 1994
  77. M Mostafi, A Waiz, MG Rabbani; WPW syndrome presented with LBBB pattern- A case report. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 17, 49-52, 1994
  78. M Mostafi, ZU Ahmed; Diabetic Nephropathy- A review of pathogenesis. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 18, 32-42, 1994
  79. ZU Ahmed, SKMB Hussain, SAMMA Hafiz, M Mostafi, MA Islam; A new era in the treatment of Falciparum malaria. Bangladesh Armed Forces Med J 17, 1-7, 1993
  80. M Mostafi, A Waiz, R Hossain, B Chakraborty, M Shahjahan; Quinine, Cotrimoxazole and Tetracycline in management of cerebral malaria, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, Annual meeting Abstract Book 64, 1992

Achievements & Success Stories

• Lifetime Achievement Award for humanitarian service
Sher e Bangla Foundation
• Lifetime Achievement Gold Medal Award
Bangladesh Renal Association
• Best Article Award 2020
Journal of Nephrology, 2020
• Appreciation for Extraordinary Service
Chief of Army Staff
• Established and renovated the Nephrology departments
CMH Dhaka, AFMC, Dhaka and BGB Hospital, Dhaka
• Pioneer in chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD)
• First CAPD outside Dhaka
• Started first Plasmapheresis and CRRT
Government hospital in Bangladesh